Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679

In compliance with the provisions of the EU Regulation relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, information is provided to users who consult this website, in particular to those who interact with web services accessible electronically at starting from the address corresponding to the home page.
The information concerns the purposes and methods of processing personal data, the scope of communication and dissemination of the same, their nature and their provision.
The information is provided only for this website and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user via links. The website in fact contains links to other websites that do not belong to or are not under the direct supervision of the manager of this website (so-called EDITOR) who, consequently, is not responsible for any illegal conduct or in any case not compliant with current legislation , also in relation to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, adopted on said websites.
The operator of the website (so-called EDITORE) is RIZZETTO COMFORTABLE SALOTTI s.r.l., V.le Europa Unita, 9-11 Fraz. Mosnigo, 31010 - Moriago della Battaglia (TV), P.I. 04455330268, tel. +39.0438.890250, e-mail

1. Data Controller

The data controller of personal data is RIZZETTO COMFORTABLE SALOTTI s.r.l., V.le Europa Unita, 9-11 Fraz. Mosnigo, 31010 - Moriago della Battaglia (TV), P.I. 04455330268, tel. +39.0438.890250, e-mail

2. Purpose of the processing

The processing of data is aimed exclusively at achieving the purposes set out below.

2.1.Completing the “Request information” form
The user is asked to enter their name and contact information (telephone and email). These data are requested to allow the user to have the correct information to answer their questions, including by sending informative material.

3. Contribution

The provision of data to achieve all the purposes referred to in the previous point 2.1 is optional. Failure or incorrect indication of the data highlighted as necessary does not allow the user to have the correct information to answer his questions (point 2.1).

4. Type of data processed, cookies, social networks and links to external sites

Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during normal operation, some personal data which are implicitly transmitted in the use of internet communication protocols. These are data relating to electronic traffic which by their nature cannot be immediately associated with the user, but through processing or association with data held by third parties they could allow identification (for example the IP address, or the domain name of the computer used by the user who connects to the site, or other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's IT environment, and more).
This data is used only for anonymous statistical information relating to the use of the website or to verify its correct functionality. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the website: they constitute full and incontrovertible proof of the facts and actions carried out by the user before the PUBLISHER, the Data Controller and/or to Third Parties.
The data are of an absolute confidential nature and can be exhibited and/or provided exclusively upon request of the subjects expressly indicated by the Law. The Data Controller adopts all the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee such confidentiality. The data is stored by the Data Controller for the period strictly necessary and in any case in compliance with current regulatory provisions on the matter. After this period, the data is destroyed and the possibility of obtaining a copy is no longer guaranteed.

Data provided voluntarily by the user
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of personal data during consultation and/or interaction with this website entails its subsequent acquisition (see previous paragraph 2).

Cookies are small text files that are sent from the computer on which the website is running, they are stored in the user's device during navigation and perform various functions such as remembering the data of the selected language, collecting statistical information on the pages visited , identify the browser and device you use, select targeted content and communications based on your preferences and more. They are then sent back to the computer on which the website is running during subsequent visits.
This website uses cookies that allow information to be stored and transported. The cookies used are provided both by the website manager (EDITOR) and by Third Parties (so-called THIRD PARTIES).
Cookies can be of various types, depending on the type of data they store and how long they remain stored on the user's device.
The cookies used on this website are "technical" cookies, i.e.
A) "navigation or session" cookies which guarantee normal navigation and use of the website (allowing, for example, authentication to access a reserved area) and avoid the use of other IT techniques potentially prejudicial to the confidentiality of the user browsing and do not allow the acquisition of personal identification data of the user;
B) "analytical" cookies from the PUBLISHER and also from THIRD PARTIES to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site itself;
C) "functional" cookies which allow the user to navigate according to a series of selected criteria (for example, the language) in order to improve the service provided.

The site uses "technical" cookies from the PUBLISHER to guarantee and facilitate navigation and use of services and to collect information, in aggregate form, on visits to the site.
THIRD PARTY "profiling" cookies are also used on the website, i.e. aimed at creating profiles relating to the user and subsequently used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user when browsing the net.< br> The user's prior consent is not required for the installation of "technical" cookies. However, the user can always request the deactivation of cookies by changing the browser settings; this deactivation, however, may slow down or prevent access to some parts of the website.
The installation of "profiling" cookies requires the user's consent. The user must express his will and if he does not make any choice and still decides to continue browsing the site, he will consent to the use of this cookie.

5. Treatment methods

The data processing is carried out mainly with IT and telematic tools, with logic strictly related to the purposes and in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data, by subjects who are specifically appointed as Persons in Charge and/or Managers by the Data Controller .

6. Conservation

The user's personal data are stored only for the time necessary to guarantee the correct information for answering their questions (point 2.1).
All information collected is stored and maintained in secure facilities that limit access to authorized personnel only. The services are constantly maintained to verify the possible presence of security breaches and ensure that all the information collected is protected from any intrusions by third parties who intend to take possession of it without authorization.
The Data Controller complies with all the security measures described by the laws and regulations applicable and in force in the European Union, and adopts all appropriate measures according to the currently most cutting-edge criteria to ensure and guarantee the confidentiality of the data users' personal data and minimize, as far as possible, the dangers posed by unauthorized access, removal, loss or damage to users' personal data.

7. Communication and dissemination

Without prejudice to communications made in compliance with legal and contractual obligations, for the defense of rights and upon request from the competent authorities, the data may be communicated to:
A) employees and/or collaborators of the Data Controller to whom the transfer of data is necessary or is in any case aimed at carrying out the activity requested by the user;
B) Professionals and/or studios and/or companies for administration and management who may operate on behalf of the data controller;
C) Professionals and/or Studies and/or Companies for the installation, maintenance, updating and, in general, management of the hardware and software owned by the Data Controller or which it uses for the provision of its web services.

The recipients of the communication are however specifically appointed as Data Processors and/or Data Processors by the Data Controller.
The user's data are not subject to any dissemination (i.e. communication to an indistinct quantity of other subjects).

8. User rights

The User can exercise a whole series of rights.
First of all, you have the possibility of obtaining information from the Data Controller on the origin and purposes of the processing of your personal data, on the categories of data that are processed, to which recipients or categories of recipients your data have been or will be communicated, the retention period or, if this is not possible, the criteria used to determine it.
Regarding the personal data provided, the User has the right to obtain the rectification of incorrect data and the integration of incomplete data. He has the right to cancel them, even if not attributable to legal and contractual obligations, and to limit the processing in certain circumstances. It is also your right to receive your personal data from the Data Controller and to transmit them to another Data Controller without any impediment.
He has the right to revoke consent at any time for each purpose for which he may have granted it.
He has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

9. Changes

The Data Controller of personal data reserves the right to periodically update this information without notice, guaranteeing in any case adequate and similar protection of personal data. In this case, any modification will take effect immediately upon its publication on the website.
In order to view any changes, the user is invited to regularly consult this information, which in any case indicates the date of last modification as 2510/2023.

10. Consent

The expression of consent to the processing of personal data by the Data Controller, as indicated above and qualified, since they are exclusively attributable to specific user requests (point 2.1), is not necessary pursuant to art. 6 par. 1 letter b) of EU Regulation 2016/679.